Dear sirs!
You are found on internet-portal to companies
"URALTRUCKS". We constantly open for cooperation with foreign partner. At
present we work with Turciey, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, country of the
Africa. We constantly increase our relationship with the world. That we can offer for
cooperation with You? First of all our experience in supply bus, lorry and building
technology with secondary market of the Germany and Europe. If You have need for given to
technology, or ready to offer anything us, on el.pochta that address to us or on fax (on
english please!). Your request or offer will is immediately considered and You get the
Our possibility
We not only concern with the import-export of the
industrial equipment, lorry, but also provide execution of all necessary formalities -
customs, bank, transport. We have an experience of the complex deliveries, as well as
accomodations of the heavy orders on enterprise of the Russia and countries former USSR.
Our specialists have a strong skills in telecommunication system, internet-exhibits,
design. We can provide advancement to Your product on the market of the Russia if her(its)
profile will correspond to our commercial politician. We also can render the assistance on
accomodation of your production areas on enterprise of the Russia, as well as about lease
and aquisition of the industrial buildings and lot.
That us interesting?
We greet all offers a cooperation, which are directed
on development business-communications in region Ural and in Russia. If You interesting
market of the Russia, that we ready to enclose all power for joint provision of Your
presence in Russia. We are interested in issue us authority on advertisment,
internet-development, marketing of Your products. Advisable that Your offers did not leave
for frames of our specialization though we are ready to send "nonsection shaped
of" offer partner.
Where we are found?
We are found in most heart to Russia - Ekaterinburg. On
today Ekaterinburg - a powerful industrial centre and already long ago has an unofficial
status of the third capital to Russia after Moscow and SAINT PETERSBURG. Ekaterinburg also
is so named by capital Ural and peculiar by leader amongst rest city Ural.
Beside us quite well develop transport communication, infrastructure, arranged
telecommunication instruments. Besides qualification Ural's managers more
often does not yield the qualifications than Moscow's colleagues. There is and one more advantage
Ekaterinburg. He is found vastly closer for many region of the Russia and countries to
CENTRAL ASIA, than Moscow. But therefore here in some cases even profitable to
organize representation of the foreign companies, than in Moscow. Additionally
Ekaterinburg has nearly with all region of the Russia avia- and train service. Turn on
this its attention!